Age: 125
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oh well. i won't lose any sleep over it. lol. i'm not dying to understand it! like i said.....the NHL playoffs r around the corner....i'm more worried abt my leafs!!
Age: 125
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Canada, Canada
who hates karachi?!
whoever does, better have a good reason, cause it looks like a first-class city 2 me. there's no doubting its modern-ness for pakistan. i certainly don't hate karachi, and i hope no one else does. ditto 4 lahore.
btw.....ya'll should get tariq tafoo's album. he sings abt every major pakistani city. lol. i miss pk. LOL.
Age: 125
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Canada, Canada
lol. that can be argued, obviously. lets just leave it at this: each city in pk brings something different and unique 2 the table, and they all make up our kick-ass country, pk!!
Age: 125
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oh hell no. please tell me this is a joke. canada has MANY MANY MANY pakistani girls, and with all due respect 2 this miss canada, 95% of them r better lookin' than her.
i'm ashamed she's representin' us pakistani canadians. lol.
Age: 125
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IcEmAn said:
hey man y don,t u watch football(soccer) and don,t waste ur time on this game which we called cricket. U can,t enjoy cricket if u don,t know how to play it right guysssssssss.
lol. tru.
but up here in the great white north...its all abt HOCKEY!!! the leafs are 10 games away from the playoffs!! GO LEAFS GO!!!
ydakh....i agree. geo looks much more professional. but ary....i've heard 4 almost a year now that its coming to american tv, but have yet 2 see it....lekin i'm lookin real 4ward 2 ARY.
btw bush blasta....i think geotv is broadcast live from pk - meaning we see exactly what pakistan is seeing. the reason is, if u look in the corner where its logo is, the time difference is 100% corresponds to pakistani time! so i think we see what people back home see!!
Age: 125
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it really is tru! geotv has debuted and its super kick-ass!!
u can tell its 100% more advanced than PTV prime! digital, better shows and evrything!! lookin 4ward 2 watching an entertainment-related show!! definately a keeper....
Age: 125
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Joan_of_Arc said:
About Z-Awards ... that comedian ( what was his name ) ...was cracking jokes basically addressing the pakis society ... none of the indians can ever relate themselves to those cranky jokes.
e.g. 1) woman with 10 kids ... sorry if i am offensive ... please do not get affected ... In india the present scenario is difficult to find anybody with 10 kids ...
LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL. i have never read a more ludicrous statement. sorry if i am offensive...please do not get affected...but how else do u explain a population of 1 billion+?! lol. trust me...omer sharif's jokes were directed squarely at BOTH indians and pakistanis.
Age: 125
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zeeyad said:
well maybe one in a population of 1 billion would have seen what comes on ur tv.
talk abt generalizing. beautiful...!! i love it. lol.
u're constant bringing-up-of pakistani television, and pakistani society is commical. its almost as if its a saftey net of sorts, which u fall back on whenever u see a facet of pakistani entertainment being praised moreso than india's. LOL.
its as if your convincing yourself, not us. lol. u know india sucks in that regard (dramas and musically) so you feel compelled to bring up negative aspects of pakistan - completely irrelevant to the issue at hand - in order to make up 4 it. LOL. its okay yaar. whatever makes u sleep easier.
Age: 125
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LOL. why is it that whevever we discuss a facet of pakistani entertainment (music/drama's especially)and its success (nationally or internationally), 9/10 (new) indian members join JB 2 bring up pakistani society, and religion in regards 2 that facet?!?!?! LOL. everyone's certainly entitled to an opinion, but sticking to the topic at hand would be so much more productive. we've gone from discussing which countries drama's are better, to talking abt pakistan's tv in general, its society, its religion, and its people?? go figure....
as far as this topic goes, pakistani serials might not be more popular than indian ones (and even that can be argued judging by most of the responses in this forum), but they're certainly better, in my opinion. production values are simply icing on the cake. we may not have that luxury, but interesting storylines, excellent acting, and solid directing are just a few small things that pakistan DOES HAVE, and these aid in the pakistani product (dramas) being vastly superior. one indian (mr. zeeyad) doesn't speak for 1 billion+ people in india. lol. i'm sure we all know indians who live in india, and abroad who watch and prefer pakistani dramas. as 4 those indians who may not get 2 see'em, or prefer not 2 - who really cares?! its their loss.
Age: 125
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i don't watch any indian ones, and i've only watched 1-2 pakistani ones. but i've been told by family and friends, both pakistani and indian, that pak drama's are better. they say they're more sophisticated....